Free movies without the catch...
A safe place to find quality content for your family... at no cost!

Media for all ages.
New Life Church has partnered with RightNow Media to provide movies for all ages at no cost... ever! No matter the age of your child, this is a place to discover fun content that they can enjoy.

Media for all ages.
New Life Church has partnered with RightNow Media to provide movies for all ages at no cost... ever! No matter the age of your child, this is a place to discover fun content that they can enjoy.

Take a sneak peak.
View the trailers below to see examples of the movies and content that we offer. And there's more where that came from!
Shows and movies for all ages.
Our content isn't just limited to young children. We also offer shows and movies for all other age groups! Once you begin your subscription, please take a tour to see all the great and enriching resources at your disposal.
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